Saturday, June 09, 2007

Life, Value?

The cost of a human life is a truck load of sand?

It was yet another lazy merry beginning to the weekend, until I saw the headlines. One guy was thrown below a speeding truck, when he tried stop few miscreants trying to steal sand from a construction site. The poor soul was trying to stop the theft of sand, which did not even belong to him.

I hear regular talk about the role played by traditions, values, and culture in this country, which preaches against committing wrong deeds. There are those who talk day in and day out about it. Which values are they talking about? Value the life of a man equivalent a truck load of sand!! I am trying sound neither pessimistic nor agnostic. I am plain pissed off, very pissed off.

Born with hope, the innocent soul
Hope to see a world, fair and peace
Opens eyes; fury and commotion, around
Chokes violent, put to rest with a hope
Hope of a better morning, false.

Grows up to seek the oasis, serene
Knowing not what lays ahead, a mirage
An endless pursuit, a mired destination
Sits on haunches dazzled, cries in hope
Only to become what it was, truth.


Blogger Snigdha said...

Someone once told me that 'Emotions put an end to Rational Thought'. I guess I do think emotionally most of the time.. I don't think there is anything wrong with that either. Only when it starts getting into our everyday life does the problem start.

The value of human life.. I guess in a country of one billion.. I am replacable.. its that simple...

8:02 PM  

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