Saturday, March 10, 2007

Expectation, Frustration, and Pain

One’s pain is as good as the expectations are. Frustration seems to creep in, when people act different from what you expect them to.

Why is it that we meet thousands and barely few turn close associates / friends and the rest are never in the same league? There might be several reasons and none. It might be attitudes, thoughts, or chemistry as one would want to name it. Call it whatever, some thing drives us to choose few and call them special, who at times turn friends.

This is where it all begins. A promotion as a friend inadvertently raises expectations. There cannot be a bigger sin, for all the patience that we put up with a stranger vanishes with someone close. With them we would rather show our frustration than try reason it. We get frustrated easily with those whom we term close rather than the others. It might be the sense of belongingness, which lets vent frustrations. However, does this seem a reason enough? Why be frustrated with those who are special?

This is where it all ends. It might seem natural to expect them to be what you want them to be. How convenient is it to forget that we do not attempt to be what they want us to be?

February, 2006.

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