Friday, July 06, 2007

Rustic after a sabbatical

It has been long, for I have not maintained such long abstinence from writing earlier. When I mention write, yes, it also includes places other than this blog. Writing has not come naturally to me, yet I drain out all of my emotions through writing. I have come to realise that writing is more fulfilling, more than, long drive, autumn, subs, sizzler, Priyanka Chopra, Sex, more than anything else.

It has been busy time since the last post, including several long drives, increased work, few decisions, and several parties. To tell someone that I am not happy, I should be lying. Life has been good to me more than it has been bad, and that does make me happier.Yet, when I look back I feel an emptiness. An emptiness that I never felt as long as I had her in life. Irony that she is physically proximate today than she was earlier and yet, the distance seems too long.

And I screamed at more than one and asked them to stay off from my private life. I have come to feel increasingly suffocated when someone becomes emotionally attached. I cannot handle the responsibility, for it seems like a burden. I am what I am and I am a free soul, and I cannot handle many a emotions. So, I scream at people to not be emotional and complain later. And yet, they don't seem to be listening.


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