Monday, November 26, 2007

Full Moon Night

I amble along this breezy night
Past the yellow lights, the smoky machines
Into the golden granules above the water
With the sand slipping away beneath the feet
I start running wild, wilder than the puzzled brain
That I carry in my head this breezy night
I come to a still trying catch some breath
As I taste salt heavy in scent in the air
Yet that lightens up my soul as a fragrance
This is home I tell myself as I stare at the waves
And I sink into the sand, cold and soft,
I rest above my arms and face the starless sky
Dark and not, with the clouds and the moon, full and bright
I laugh around as I see the moon
Play hide and seek with the clouds
Until it appears in the open with its wings span wide
And I lose myself in its charm with eyes moist
As it turns me a child I have been and I am not
Innocent and quixotic of what I have been
Romantic and Naive of what I am not
I turn a page in my life to another full moon night
Of a night unforgettable which I spent in her arms
With my head sunk in her bosom and in her arms
And I listen to her starry eyes tell that untold
And I see her talk, pearls move, into my eyes
The words echoed in my mind and asked thyself
How could there be so much love in the air
A wave strong and long hits me hard
As I turn back to this full moon night
And I see no love in the air except the scent of salt
My eyes moist again with a heart heavy than the sand
I stare at the moon, full and bright, still play her game
With the clouds, and I see in her a face of another full moon night.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A mid day angel

It started as a silent whisper
From the bottom of a heart unknown
I try not hear it and walk away
But for not more than a moment
As I turn around to face the truth
That I have for once lost myself to a stranger
One, stunning and gorgeous, I stare at
She ignited a spark in the cold
And turned it a wild fire
A fire wild beyond the wildest
Yet I, the brave one, turn timid
As I run pillar to post to escape the fire
Only to turn around and steal a glance
I find a mirror and question
What are you running away from?
And I walk back with a firm mind
Frightened with a mind as firm as porcelain
I chose to face her rather than the fire
What started as a whisper, silent in my heart
Ended as a echo, wild in my mind
as I find her only to reignite the spark cold
With her in arms of stranger, yet another.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Circle of Life

The sky, clear or not, doesn’t seem big enough
As clouds fight hard make themselves seen
Amongst the flock of birds in the outer sphere
In full flight, big and small, all of them
Exploring beneath to try survive and earn a bite
Seeking a place to nest when not in the hunt

Amongst the flock of birds is the big spotted bird
Talked amongst its herd as the one different
In form and feature from that in the crowd
Conscious of the status, the big bird turned aloof
Not from the crowd but from its practise of survival
And tried commandeer those around it
Stuck in awe, the herd abided and complied
Yet for not too long, as grew the voices of dissent

Amongst the flock of birds is the big black bird
Considered the bravest and the most agile
And laborious, the one that the fraternity respects
Aware of the dissent against the big spotted bird
It drew apart crowds and put across its mind
Clear on intent to pull down the burden that is
The big spotted bird, the leader it was not
Voices grew in accompaniment until all
Faced and ousted the leader who wasn’t
And chose the bravest as the replacement
Conscious of elevated status, the big black bird
Tried commandeer those around in actions
Of which it would only talk and not take part
In obedience, the herd stood up and acted
Yet for not too long, as grew the voices of dissent

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Of the angle who isnt

This night lost I am in a memory unwished, yet persisting
Despite the time lost, melt since it happened and yet not
Inspite the altercation, the not so revenge sweet turned bitter
After the storm and the calm that hit the either
In memory of her, apart seven seas in physique and psyche, both
Neither a memory not as about what happened and not, nor
An afterthought of what could, or should, have not been done
True, sad I am for what is beneath and behind can be not undone
Yet this night is no leaf of memoir ripped apart from life mine
Rather is about her, she who is seven seas apart and yet not
Of all she had seen though deserving better than any such
I shed not a tear for any of it either fair or otherwise
nor is it a sweet emotion for what has been tough on her
A thought it is, difficult to express, that she deserved it not
For despite what passed through and what hasn’t been not said
She has been and will be the angel, who hasn’t been.
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