Monday, February 25, 2008


I wrote this after seeing a movie with a great storyline and extremely disappointing screenplay. Yet, I loved the movie for its concept.

Tell me something
Tell me something I haven’t heard of
Tell me something I haven’t seen
Tell me something that hasn’t happened before

Tell me some place
Tell me some place that does exist
Tell me some place that doesn’t exist
Tell me some place that I haven’t been yet

This world might seem a mystery as does this life
Yet I have cracked the former in a way
You wouldn’t imagine and would want not to

Here you see me this moment as I am not the next
As I set a foot on the north pole and land south
Flying around like a wild falcon
Running around like the wild self I am

They call me a jumper, funny little name
And the irony I could never jump
Never, where it really mattered
You prove to be taller than you are
The leap was quite never enough
For me to jump over and move on.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008


Spending an evening in the company of those I know
I realize the loner I have been in life these days
With all the guys, at work and after work, around

I feel the need for someone, to get rid of the feeling
Someone who would not bring me a burden afresh
With nomenclature for the company I will have
And hence, I call that someone a companion.

A companion who would feel the same need as I do
And hence would appreciate how it would be

I sleep alone in this couch longing for her
Who hasn’t turned up, yet does exist
I am not in love nor am I waiting to be
All that I yearn for this day would be
Pure passionate emotional companionship
That would last this night and live the day later

This couch is too crammed for me to turn around
But seems spacious if I were to have a companion
Who would be in my arms in this space so small yet not
It is nothing purely carnal, though it puts in its part
But is more of the sense of companionship it would be

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